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01 February 2007



what are your views on starting a bosom buddies in pretoria...?


Hi there

Please let me know if there is something similar in Joburg that I can get involved with.
Many thanks


I came across a great fundraising opportunity for nonprofits I thought I'd share. It's an innovative online retailer similar to, called Giveline ( Each time you (or anyone else) makes a purchase on Giveline a percentage of the profit goes to the organization of your choice that you pick during checkout. In your case, Bosom Buddies. If you're interested in signing up Bosom Buddies, go to Then, you can encourage friends, family, supporters, etc. to do their everyday online shopping and benefit your organization at the same time! Good Luck, and I hope this helps!


Have you seen this on the KFM website?

"We’re not asking you to move buildings or re-invent the wheel – quite simply, we’re asking you to make a difference, inspire us and win a charity R20 000 in home shopping vouchers from Pick n Pay.The challenge is set, for the next few weeks, “The Power To Inspire” is in your hands!

Go on, pledge your help and win a charity R20 000 in home shopping vouchers from Pick n Pay."

I've nominated BB!! All fingers crossed that you win the R20 000!!

Megan Hughes

Hi there
I would like to get involved, helping packing bags, visitations etc.
Please contact me to give me details, thank you.


I also nominated you on Joburg's sister station Highveld for the power to inspire thing PNP are doing so hopefully you'll win!

Amber Ferguson

This sounds fantastic and i would love to get involved, i am here from NZ and have been a Doula for only a short time but i am passionate about the welfare of Mums and Bubs and partners. please send me info on how i can support you.
Thank you

Emily Holt

Mel, I live in the US and would like to get some friends together to make a donation. Is it better to send supplies, or money ? Please send some details. Keep up the good work.

Caroline Fraser

I have about 10 bags full of childrens clothes and toys and i am looking for somewhere to donate them, I would love for them to go to africa and I stumbeld across your siblings website, i sent them an e-mail and they directed me here. I dont really want to have to send them myself, ideally I would like them to be picked up but I am willing to drive within a 100 mile radius of where I live (stratford-upon-avon.
Hope I can help!

christine erasmus

do you have a bank account details for donations?

Samantha McCarthy Crowe

Hi, Melanie

Not sure if you remember me we where together at Fairmont?

I would love to get involved. I live out in Durbanville.

I work part time but I can work around that.

Let me know where you are needing help?

Chat soon,


I am so interested in getting involved. I live in the Northern suburbs, but can travel and would really love to help.

Erica Wood

I'd love to contribute in time - for sewing, packing or visiting to deliver etc,. I live in Somerset West, but am happy to travel to all areas of the Peninsula or outlying areas.

Erica Wood


I came over from Jeanne, of Cook Sister, to congratulate you for the award she has bestowed upon you and I see that you truly deserve this. You are doing a great job here.

Kelly Smith

Hi, im a nursing sister (with Midwifery). Im currently a stay at home mom. I have been searching for something that really calls me and i watched you on TV and was blown away.I live in Durban and would love to start something like this here, i also so have to agree with you when you said the state hospital birthing experience is so vastly different to that of private.We are all woman giving birth with the same feelings but are treated so differently.I think there is such a need in that department.My domestic worker had a baby a few years back and she never even had a pillow on her bed let alone linen.
Let me know where do we start.
Kelly - KZN


you came and spoke to us at rhenish girls high and i was wondering - how do we get involved in somerset west?how often ?is there an age limit ? loads of luv

Wendy Grey

Are you currently delivering baby bags to any hospitals in the Southern Suburbs or do you know of any organisations that are doing the same work as you in Southern Suburbs.

Ninon du Plessis

I am living in Tarkastad,Eastern Cape and this charity of yours is becoming stronger and stronger in my heart for our public hospital.And with that we can spread the love of Jesus and work for His Kingdom.Please give me some information on how I can do something similar here in my town.Please help me, I really feel so strong about serving our community.I had a baby myself 2 months ago and it really feels so good to get goodies in the hospital just imagin how much it will mean to someone less fortunate.
Keep up your work for the Kingdom

beco butterfly

Its like a social organization that supports the people who can't mend for themselves.

Build full download

Nice info, ive been visiting your site daily and really impressed with the info on your site. Thanks.

Account Deleted

Nappy bags for sale are available online to help you get the best deals thereby satisfying your needs. So, if you are looking to invest in nappy bags then you can look for the options available online.

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