Remember I told you yesterday in the midst of my cake crises about running something by you guys? Well it’s this: Our Bosom Buddies Ball is only 3 weeks away. It’s going to be successful and gorgeous and we are going to raise lots of money. We have to! Tickets are R600 a couple or R300 a person. I am swinging between total trust in God and faith that He as the creator, will ensure this ball is amazing. Then I swing into panic and what ifs and my shoulders burn and I feel breathless. Yikes! I know He will be glorified and on the night I will stand aside and try not to cry at His faithfulness (don’t want make-up to run and beautifully made up face) and I will need to repent at my ever doubting Him.
We obviously need people with money who can firstly afford the tickets, and secondly, bid on the items we have up for auction. But, I also have several people I would love to be there and bless with a ticket because they are unable to afford to come. This is where the faerie godmothers/godfathers come in:
I am looking for people who will be willing to buy a ticket on someone else’s behalf so the Cinderellas and Rodneyfellas can attend the grand ball. Gary has set up a paypal account where people can pay money in and then he will buy the necessary tickets. I have never asked for money before and have even taken my own paypal button off. I hate asking for money, it’s embarrassing and I don’t ever want anyone to point fingers or deal with accountability questions. This is different though and I hope no on will feel offended or pressured but rather chuffed that they can bless someone in this way. I have so many volunteers who deserve to be there and would be stoked to able to pick up the phone and say; “Guess what??? YOU are coming to the ball.”
If you wanna be the faerie godmother then pls mail me on [email protected] and I will forward all mails to Gary who will send you the details. (A single ticket will cost you 40 dollars or 20 pounds, I know many of you are from other countries so forgive me for not knowing your currency.)
PS, the cakes came out fine, especially the 2nd one which I baked on a lower temp. I took some pics but Tiffany has accidentally taken the cord I need to download so will show you on the weekend after I see her.
great idea! in afrikaans there is a saying that goes like this...
vra is vry en weier daarby... so don't feel bad asking, people can only say no after all :)
i'm sorry i can't help, but i'm broke as usual!
Posted by: Stef | 20 June 2008 at 10:41 AM
Hi Mel
Please tell me how you sorted the Paypal thing out. I thought South Africans were not allowed to use Paypal, or am I being overly paranoid after reading their site?
Would love it to be possible so looking forward to hearing from you!
Posted by: Coach Marcia | 22 June 2008 at 08:13 PM
I was directed through your site from Tertias blog and as much as i'd love to attend such a ball for a great and wothy cause .. what if i'd just like to donate some items (like baby clothes, accesories and such) to you to pass on to these women ? I'm from the USA , in Michigan, but i read Tertias blog often (i should comment, i know !) and i can't say what other "mommy blog" lead me to her some time ago, but she's fun to read ! Anyways, could you please email me a mailing address so i may send/donate some things for your cause !
Christy from Michigan
Posted by: Christy | 22 June 2008 at 09:20 PM
Paul and I will of course buy a ticket each (wish we could attend in person but unfortunately we must wait til November to see you guys!). Please can you email me your bank details and I will transfer the money from our SA account so that you don't have to pay the Paypal fees - email me not Paul as I will never recieve the details otherwise! lol
Big hugs and kisses to everyone xxxx
Posted by: Martina | 23 June 2008 at 06:15 PM
i think its an awesome idea and i wish i could contribute too!
Posted by: angel | 23 June 2008 at 09:20 PM