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20 June 2008



great idea! in afrikaans there is a saying that goes like this...

vra is vry en weier daarby... so don't feel bad asking, people can only say no after all :)

i'm sorry i can't help, but i'm broke as usual!

Coach Marcia

Hi Mel

Please tell me how you sorted the Paypal thing out. I thought South Africans were not allowed to use Paypal, or am I being overly paranoid after reading their site?

Would love it to be possible so looking forward to hearing from you!


I was directed through your site from Tertias blog and as much as i'd love to attend such a ball for a great and wothy cause .. what if i'd just like to donate some items (like baby clothes, accesories and such) to you to pass on to these women ? I'm from the USA , in Michigan, but i read Tertias blog often (i should comment, i know !) and i can't say what other "mommy blog" lead me to her some time ago, but she's fun to read ! Anyways, could you please email me a mailing address so i may send/donate some things for your cause !

Christy from Michigan


Paul and I will of course buy a ticket each (wish we could attend in person but unfortunately we must wait til November to see you guys!). Please can you email me your bank details and I will transfer the money from our SA account so that you don't have to pay the Paypal fees - email me not Paul as I will never recieve the details otherwise! lol

Big hugs and kisses to everyone xxxx


i think its an awesome idea and i wish i could contribute too!

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