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17 February 2009



1) Call when you need a help out
2) How much mullah is needed? - don't have any but can pray good!
3) You hugged and comforted when PMS-ey without saying so and were GOOD at it - give yourself a break girl!
4) You'd better love my dog when she's better - even if she IS smelly and large - she is my GIRL-CHILD.
5) Mostly my time is flexible - yes I'm a little brain dead, and yes, I am a non-competitive, laid-back, non-excercise focused whacko, but I LOVE my God, I am SO grateful to have met you and that you are so cool, and I can be on call in emergencies. I will say so if it's a problem.
6) I'm prepared to be maybe filmed with a model-type and I'm a seal-type - they don't come more committed than that!!
7) Had to stop at 7 cos it's a cool number: I was prepared to p*** off my new pastor for a joke with you - I think you can count on me doing the other stuff too!

Night gorgeous, hope you get tat-man to yourself without the additional blonde tonight! xx


Hang in there Mel, hang in there!


I am, as always, in awe of all the things you manage to juggle, and I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be at times. Please just know that there are people out here (over and above all the moms and babies you help) who admire you greatly for all that you do!


hi mel
do you accept paypal payments? I'd like to donate about 1100 rand to bosom buddies but I'm in Israel and don't know how to get it to you? can you see my email from the comment and email me maybe?


thats it- put your foot down mel!

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