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« I like beeeeg butts and I don't know why... | Main | Excellence »

21 October 2011



Im so so happy for you! How exciting. I have just this year gone back to studying and I am also doing social work. It is a huge change for me as I was in accounting before. You'll be great!

I've always wanted to work with children. I've always wanted to make a difference. After our (failed) adoption process last year I realized how important and vital social workers are. Especially social workers who CARE!! I want to be THAT social worker. Then this year I also started the Teen Mom Support Group KZN and I realized even more how important it all is.

Good luck! I am keeping all my assignment and exam feedback so shout if you ever want some old questions to help with studying!

Much love


So proud of you Mellie. And I also have old essays, readings, notes etc that you are welcome to use. You are going to ROCK this. xxx

cat@juggling act

Good luck - I really admire you for this!

Ranking Pagerank

I have read your post. I will truly appreciate your effort. Please post another article to related this topic. Thanks

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