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« Oh Baby! | Main | So why does it even matter? »

02 October 2011



Don't worry about Rabbi Goldstein, Nam Wadee and Fatima Kahn. They have their own heaven probably and are worrying about you ;-)


Or it could be a case of 'all roads lead to Rome' and they have different route/different entrance criteria.


I saw an interesting picture on Facebook today, a Christian's take on the coexist sticker. I searched it and found it on another blog:

My take on it all is why would Jesus tell us to tell others to follow Him if they could follow whoever they want and get to heaven? It is a sad condition to think about so many "nice" folks not getting to heaven, but the reality is that NONE of us are "nice"... all of our righteousness is filthy rags to God.

This is not meant to be judgy at all... just sounding off. I admire your love for those who don't follow Christ (something a lot of Christians lack, sadly) but I think we've got to love them enough to tell them that they've got to follow Jesus for life.


I recently had a similar discussion with my SIL who also believes that you only go to heaven if you are “saved” – whatever that means…

Am I allowed to call myself “saved” if I haven’t been baptised as an adult but do have a beautiful and pure relationship with God? Am I allowed to call myself “saved” if I haven’t been baptised but allow every single decision that I make to be guided by Him? Am I allowed to call myself saved if I believe in God and the sacrifice that HE made for me if I don’t attend Church?

I asked my SIL about people who are not born into Christianity. I asked her about Muslims and Jews and Buddhists. I asked about people who are born into Agnosticism or Atheism who have never had (through no fault of their own) ANY exposure to Christianity. What about them? I asked her if she honestly thought that God would reject them? She could not answer me.

What you have done with this post is to point out the dangers of religion. This is EXACTLY why I prefer to focus on RELATIONSHIP above EVERYTHING else.

I went through a phase for a while where I stayed away from Church and anything religious because I didn’t like the whole “we are the chosen folk” trip that they were forever on. I am going back to Church now after an absence but I am VERY aware and VERY conscious of being caught up in the “rules” and “regulations” and the arrogance. YES. The arrogance. The judgement of non Christian or rather “unsaved” folk. I really hate when people think that if others don’t do things the way THEY do it then it is somehow wrong. It is EXACTLY this thinking and reasoning that gives Christianity the constant bad rap.

If Christians really believe that God loves ONLY them and will accept ONLY THEM in heaven then EVERY SINGLE THING that we believe about God is flawed. EVERYTHING! The thinking that ONLY Christian folk will go to heaven smacks of arrogance and judgement and nothing else because ultimately God decides. NOT US.

This is what I believe:

God is love.
God is LOVE.

Everything else is just noise


Goodness me! So sorry about the essay. x


My 5c worth (a little jumbled): For me, I think the frustrating part of any religion is that if you are not a jew, buddist, christian, muslim, etc. (insert whichever is applicable), then you will be punished and doomed to a godless life in a very hot spot (and not an exotic one at that). However, I choose to worship a loving, benevolent God who created us all. I believe he loves us constantly, eternally and unconditionally. Maybe that's a very child-like view but for now, it works for me. I believe the "hell" that is spoken of is man-made, not God made. I also believe that God didn't create negativity, chaos and evil... for him to have done that part of Him would have had to be all those things which I think is completely untrue. God gave us free will, and some people have used theirs to reject the light whilst others have embraced it (to varying degrees). Bearing in mind that sometimes betrayal/rejection is also an important lesson - consider Judas. He betray Jesus for money and was probably one of the people most responsible for Jesus Cruxifixion, yet that betrayal was essential to the birth of Christianity. There is also no doubt in my mind that God wants our reverent devotion to Him to come from adoration, not from intimidation, fear or terror of his wrath which I am afraid to say a lot of religions seem to encourage. I am also convinced (and can't give you quotes or researched facts although I know there are some) that the Bible is "man made" and not necessary "the word" directly from God - many, many things were twisted or left out so that the Church could continue to "rule" with an iron fist and instill fear. So, I've read part of it and enjoyed some of it but living by it is not a prerequisite for me having a loving relationship with God.

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