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01 November 2011


Steve Hayes

Interesting, that's the first I've heard of South Africans keeping Hallowe'en like in America. Once, 40 years ago, in Windhoek, Namibia, I knew a bunch of kids that weren trick or treating, but they were from American families and were used to doing it back home. I suspect that most of the people whose doors they knocked on had no idea what they were about!


I love that Halloween is growing in popularity here in SA. I also see it as just a fun holiday...

Love this post, agree with everything you said!


I think us humans are the one that place all the negativity and evil thinking into what children consider innocent and fun. I just love the whole atmosphere of the neighbourhoods children knocking on your door all dressed up - I love guessing who's behind the mask or wig and it ends up being loads of giggles and marshmallows. Sometimes adults can just be too analytical (Spelling)!

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