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30 December 2011



Beautifully said! We too, suffered a huge loss but I refuse to let it 'mar' 2011, which has been filled with happy times and loads of blessings. Here's hoping for an amazing 2012 filled with good times and hopefully another babe for us! So love reading your blog, thank you for sharing. x

freelance writing

Thank you for compiling bloglist. My blog follows the hard part, trying to find that I do and sometimes tired of looking. But now I find a list of the very interesting article, it is for you is a good read.


May 2012 be filled with many blessings, love, laughter, healing, hugs and health... thinking of you Mel!

Jeanne @ CookSister!

What a gorgeous post, doll. May 2012 bring you much joy and not too much pain (back and otherwise!!)

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