So I've done it. I have literally put my money where my mouth is and started studying my BA Social Work. It's a good thing I had paid for my subjects as the initial bit of trying to figure UNISA out was so damn frustrating I almost quit.
My Social Work degree is a minimum 5 year project and pretty daunting. I am not always great at following these grand plans I have. Case in point: Doula practise, Sewing course and all those clothes I was going to sew. I do finish the course and initially am all enthusiastic and then I move onto the next thing. The prob with my studies is its very long. I will be 45/46 when I graduate!
I was told UNISA would drive me somewhat mental and people did not lie. I wanted to cry, swear, punch my laptop with frustration. At least next semester will be easier as I will have figured out what to do. My patient friend in the computer Michelle is also studying social work so fortunately could help me out. Next time I will see a student counsellor before I choose my subsequent subjects. So far I am doing Basic Psychology, Psychology in Society, Anthropology and then Social Welfare Policy which I added at the last minute. I have under estimated the time it will take to study but I have worked out a programme with my exercise (non negotiable) and my work and my studies. The afternoons are totally dedicated to kids and the crazy extra murals and homework etc. Unfortunately very little time for friends or leisure but I am pretty strict about Sundays being Sabbath and for friends and family and chilling.
As for the actual studying, cool! I have only really got into Anthro which us right up my ally. We tend to be so judgemental and disapproving of people different to us but we haven't taken the time to understand them and why they do what they do. I love the philosophy of being curious and compassionate about other people and not insisting your way is the only way or superior. When I get over whelmed at the thought of 5 years I have to remind myself one semester at a time. I do hope I can continue with it and don't give up. When/if I finally finish their are so many amazing career opportunities for me and my youngest will have just finished junior school so I will be ready.
When I want to quit remind me that I am doing this for my own personal growth, I am doing this to learn, I can do all things with God who strengthens me, I can do this and push through, I am dong this with the possibility of a fulfilling career and I am doing what I should have done 22 years ago when I was told to study social work. Go me go!
A friend put this on FB. What a baby I am, probably about 17? I cannot imagine this girl studying what I am doing now so I guess the time is now and wasn't meant to be way back when.
Well done Mel. I find the idea of studying again exciting and terrifying all at once.
Good luck - you know everyone here will be rooting for you.
Posted by: BiancaW | 23 January 2012 at 08:29 AM
What a wonderful new adventure! Sterkte!
Posted by: Wobs | 23 January 2012 at 01:49 PM
Seems like you have a good heart and you have my support in all your endeavors.
Posted by: essay writing | 25 January 2012 at 05:39 PM