If I ever have a 2nd blog I would call it The Confused Christian and I would debate and question and wrestle with all the things I so often do in my confused mind. I often feel like I don't fit and struggle to accept many Christian beliefs that others see as absolute gospel...applaud the pun.
You already know my feeling on homosexuality and my belief that anything less than 100% acceptance, tolerance and equality is just a repeat of the terrible prejudice that have caused our world so much pain in all our history of hate, apartheid and elitism. This doesn't sit well with many of my fellow clappers and it does make me question my authenticity as a 'real' Christian. I am just not supposed to feel and question many things that I do and I actually envy others absolute 100% belief that the bible is the final word.
Of course the fact that we have 100's of different denominations all with their own interpretations doesn't help me much. I go with my gut, my inner being where the Holy Spirit lives inside me. I listen to people who have been Christians far longer than I have, full of wisdom with an incredible knowledge of the bible. I want to believe all they say yet I just can't. The God of my heart, the God of creation and world I live in just doesn't allow me to. The bible you say? I know! I am supposed to believe it 100%, the final authority, the final word. I love the bible, I love the way God uses it to speak to me so many times, to comfort and teach and show and counsel. And yet...my biggest issue is as follows:
Heaven. Who gets in and who doesn't? According to the bible, only those who believe Jesus is the son of God, believe it and profess it, get in. The rest....sorry buddies, you all burn in hell. In fact our recent discussion at our bible study was about the souls of those who were once Christians but have back slidden. Take Joe Soap. Joe went to a Christian youth camp and gave his life to Christ at age 15. He was on fire for God and the happiest clapper you ever could find. Joe is now 30. Somewhere along the way he lost his passion for God, he stopped going to church. He married, started a business and made all sorts of dodgy deals along the way. He drinks too much and likes to slap his wife and kids around just to show who is boss. Then we have Rabbi Goldstein. He has served God faithfully all his life, he loves his wife and 5 kids and observes all the Jewish holidays and customs. Nam Wadee is a Thai Buddist and lives in a country where 95% of his countrymen are Buddists. He spends most of his days in silence and meditation, owns no possessions and observes all the practises of Buddhism with absolute unwavering dedication. Lastly we have Fatima Kahn, a Muslim lady who makes local pastries and sells them to support a local orphanage where she has dedicated her life. Her husband attends prayer at the crack of dawn each morning and their shop is closed each afternoon so they can pray to their merciful loving Allah.
So according to Christianity based on the bible, Joe gets in to heaven. Once saved, always saved. He spends eternity with God. Rabbi, sorry. He never professed or accepted Christ as God made man on earth. My gentle kind peaceful Buddhist, nope, off to hell for him too. Fatima who served the poor all her life and who loves Allah, no, turn left Fatima, you have to go to hell. Really? 95% of Thai people are going to hell. All the Muslims who many Christians believe are deceived and their religion demonic. The faithful Jews, Gods own chosen people, also Left. I can't, I can't believe it'. So if the bible says we only get to the father through the son, then I have to believe that somewhere along the way on the big escalator up to heaven they meet Jesus. I just can't accept that their religion isn't real, that their love for God is less sincere than my own or that they are loved less.
PS: As a Christian of almost 11 years I still feel amazed and blessed by the acceptance, love, grace and compassion of Jesus. I never have to do anything or go anywhere to experience 100% fellowship with God...the cross has done it all for me. I do want this same peace, love, acceptance and a 2nd chance for all I know and love. If I could sum up Christinity and share the gosple in 1 easy step, I would sing Amazing Grace to you. As I cannot sing I leave you with this clip instead: